The Truth About Neck Pain And Alternative Medicine

>> Friday, November 22, 2013

By Ed Rob Munro

At some point in their lives, approximately 75% of Americans have to find a way to deal with neck pain. Everyone who checks out the options will easily discover that alternative medicine is far more effective than physiotherapy or prescription medication. To be even more specific, neck vertebrae or cervical spine manipulation in the U. S. is virtually the exclusive domain of chiropractors.

The cervical spine, which begins at the skull's base, is composed of seven small vertebrae. It's an amazing system that takes up the full weight of a human head weighing 12 pounds on average. It's nothing short of a miracle that enables this delicate mechanism to move the head in all directions.

Of course, misuse or abuse of any biomechanical device is a guaranteed invitation for trouble. The vertebrae can sustain damage or misalignment from extended strain, accidents, whiplash, slip and fall, or blows to the head. Malfunctions also occur due to aging, wear and tear, repetitive movements, etc. Even posture can pose a problem, because leaning the head forward just a couple of inches adds stress on the neck equivalent to the weight of 2-3 bowling balls.

Chiropractors do not read tea leaves to find out what is wrong with a patient. They use the same diagnostic methods as any good doctor, asking questions about symptoms to find out when and how the pain began. They will examine the patient to detect abnormalities or external signs. They may order an MRI or CAT scan, or even an EMG if there is a possibility of nerve damage.

The actual procedure is called cervical spine manipulation, also known as a neck adjustment. Skilled chiropractors use their hands to manipulate and adjust the vertebrae back into their natural positions. This is a gradual shift that takes place across several sessions. By the time it is completed, the cervical spine is at or very close to its normal functioning, and the patient is able to once again move the head without pain.

It seems quite easy in theory, but it reality takes a chiropractor with a tremendous amount of skill and experience to do it right. Needless to say, it is up to the patient to find a provider who is reputed and qualified enough. In general, though, the statistics about chiropractic are clear enough since consumers give it the highest patient satisfaction rating among all the different kinds of providers.

Annals of Internal Medicine recently published a study group analysis in which 57% of patients under chiropractic care said they experienced a 75% reduction in pain levels after just 12 weeks. In the same period, only 33% of the prescription medication group reported the same relief levels. After a year, the chiropractic group reported lasting effects with the pain still down 75%.

The British Medical Journal similarly published a 52-week study group analysis of neck pain patients. They were randomly assigned and divided among GPs, physiotherapists and chiropractors. The results could not have been any clearer - the group under chiropractic care recovered much faster, and their expenses were only one-third of the amounts spent by patients in the other groups.

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Learn How To Lose Weight Naturally With The Help Of A Manhattan Beach Chiropractor

>> Saturday, November 16, 2013

By Katy Parfait

Most people associate a Manhattan Beach Chiropractic practice with alleviating pain in the body by adjusting the spine. The pain may be caused by disease or injury. There are others at risk for heart disease or diabetes who may benefit greatly from chiropractic care.

As is documented, obesity is running rampant. Many lives are affected unfavorably. The chiropractor approaches weight loss and maintenance through the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. This will result in weight loss that involves a change in lifestyle and thus, can be continued over the years.

Dietary needs are based on features such as age, weight and level of activity participated in. An active person needs more calories than someone who is inactive. Everyone needs a balance of protein, dairy, produce and other nutritional components. Someone who has all those needs satisfied in a consistent way is less likely to gain weight.

Well-balanced nutrition may include herbal supplements as advised by your chiropractor. A balanced diet prevents the cravings that can sabotage your ability to stay on a diet.

When the spinal column is correctly aligned, nutrients from food are absorbed more easily. Spinal adjustments maintain this alignment. Potentially damaging pressure on the spinal nerves can be avoided.

Another method of weight loss promotion is massage, which aids in achieving emotional clarity and the general state of health. By keeping the body flexible, the amount of stress caused by daily life is minimized. Your body will be lighter and your movements fluid rather than stiff.

The person seeking help with weight loss and maintenance needs a chiropractor who focuses on the overall condition of the body. Locate one that offers not only spinal adjustments, but massage and nutritional counseling. There is a Manhattan Beach Chiropractic practice able to provide everything you need to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight for a lifetime.

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Take Your Bothersome Neck Pain To A Chiropractor

>> Sunday, November 10, 2013

By Jeremy K Grom

Neck pain affects the great majority of Americans at some stage during their lives, and can be excruciatingly painful for some. In addition, treatments are often ineffective and medications may not have much effect. Most people with this problem would be very grateful to find an effective solution which provides permanent relief from the agony.

The cause of such pains may be due to a whiplash injury or it could be related to poor posture. After all, an adult human head weighs as much as a bowling ball, which puts a lot of strain on the muscles of the neck. If you stretch your head forward, this can increase the effect by two to three times. This extra weight can easily cause the neck vertebra to get out of alignment or over-strain the muscles.

The possible solutions are physiotherapy, massages, adjustments, counselling, and drugs. Most people these days are wary of prescription drugs, as they may relieve the pain but can also have serious side-effects. The other types of treatment are all non-invasive, but have not been found to be equally effective. Chiropractors, physiotherapists and doctors all have a different take on the best approach to healing this type of problem.

Of all the possible healthcare providers commonly consulted, chiropractors have been found to be by far the most effective at dealing with this type of problem and providing immediate relief from the pain. Chiropractic adjustments get right to the root of the current situation to correct them quickly. Education on postural changes is also necessary to prevent a recurrence.

Studies have found that chiropractic treatments are much more effective at relieving these pains than other approaches with twice as many reporting relief, and their effect also lasts longer. The ability of prescription drugs to relieve the pain may also wear off over time, as the body becomes accustomed it. There can also be no doubt that chiropractic is far safer in the long term.

A study reported in the British Medical Journal found that chiropractic gave much quicker pain relief and also corrected the problem more quickly than either conventional medicine or physiotherapy. This study included treatment costs as well, and found that chiropractic treatments also cost about a third as much as the other two. This should make chiropractic an obvious first choice for any reasonable person.

Allied to this BMJ study, Consumer Report found that patients who consulted chiropractors were much more satisfied with the results as compared to the alternatives. When the results cited in the BMJ study are considered, this finding was to be expected. Of course, no therapy was totally effective, but your chances are much better when consulting a chiropractor, and you are also likely to end up paying far less for superior results.

The obvious conclusion is that anybody suffering from neck pain would be wise to consult a good chiropractor first. While chiropractic is not infallible, you still have a much better chance of paying less and still receiving the most effective treatment. The probability of actually curing the problem will also be much higher.

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