Chiropractic Care For Relief Of Neck Pain

>> Saturday, July 13, 2013

By Thomas Idaw

Most of us feel pain in our bodies as years pass during our lives and for many people pain may be focused in the neck area. Very few things cause as much discomfort as neck pain because it may not subside on its own. Since the neck area is difficult to reach on our own, the sufferer may not be able to do much to relieve the pain. If this happens, professional treatment is recommended and in the United States, a chiropractor is a professional who can perform manipulation of neck and cervical spine vertebrae.

Statistics reveal that 75 percent of U.S. citizens suffer from pain in the neck area at least once. The human head weighs approximately ten to 12 pounds which is about the weight of a bowling ball. Each inch of forward head posture can increase the weight of the head on the spine by as much as ten pounds. Therefore it should come as no surprise that only a two or three-inch forward head posture can make the head seem to weigh the equivalent of two to three bowling balls. This explains why many people having even a slight forward head posture suffer with pain in their necks and upper backs.

Two of the most common treatment choices include prescription medication and spinal manipulative therapy. However, these two treatments options may not be equally effective. A study reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine, in January 2012, compared prescription medication treatment with spinal manipulative therapy revealing that spinal manipulation was more effective over both short and long periods of time. After twelve weeks of treatment, 57 percent of the participants who received spinal manipulative treatment noted pain reduction of at least 75 percent. Only 33 percent of participants in the study, taking prescription medication, reported similar results.

After one year, the participants receiving spinal manipulation continued to experience benefits. Of that group, 53 percent continued to report at least a 75 percent reduction in their pain. These results speak to the promising effects held by spinal manipulative therapy for relieving pain in the neck area. Treatments are typically administered in a comfortable office setting over a time period determined by the level of pain and the recovery ability of the patient.

When seeking chiropractic care, it is important to select a reputable provider. Look for an experienced chiropractic professional who specializes in treating neck pain. The neck contains a number of structures that are both delicate and sensitive to pain so careful manipulation is required. Patients should only trust a chiropractor who comes highly recommended by other people with such pain.

Most procedures performed by a chiropractor are designed to address the actual cause and not merely the symptoms of neck problems. Chiropractic treatment is noninvasive, safe, natural, and does not have side effects. Some patients begin to notice improvement within a several treatments while the recovery period of others is may take longer.

When pain in the neck area becomes unrelenting, consider chiropractic treatment. Talk with a chiropractic professional about the condition and become informed about relevant treatments. With the correct approach, the pain will subside quickly and improvement will be gained over the long-term. Do not continue to be one of the more than 10 percent of Americans currently suffering from neck pain.

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